The Full Guide for Pro Users
This article has been updated to reflect the Pricing update instated on July 7th, 2021.
MightyForms offers four different pricing plans for subscribed users, each one is a level-up from the previous plan when it comes to what features are available.Please note that some features may be available for all plans only while they are in Beta.
Here's everything you can do with your Pro plan:
Form building
How many forms can you create?
You can start building your forms once you are logged into the MightyForms app:
- Select an existing form from your dashboard
- Create a new form from scratch
- Select one of the Templates.
To create more than 25 forms, you'll need to upgrade your plan.
Beginner - 2 forms
Starter - 10 forms
Pro - 25 forms
Business - Unlimited
How much can I customize the form?
You have full customization options for your form, from the design, colors, adding your logo, etc.
How many fields can be added to a form?
Unlimited. 😎
Can I create a Logic Rule? *This feature is in Beta
Yes. You can create twenty
logic rules in each of your published forms. To create more logic rules, you'll need to upgrade your plan.Beginner - 3 Logic Rule
Starter - 10 Logic Rules
Pro - 20 Logic Rules
Business - Unlimited
Can I customize my forms' or surveys' URLs?
Yes. You'll notice that the first half of your form's URL is your username, and you can change that by going to your Profile and updating the shown username.

You can also customize the URL subdomain.
What are Pre-filled fields? Can I use them?
Pre-filling forms are exactly what the name says, forms that automatically fill in the fields of a form or third-party service with the right data. The data is pulled via field-keys that you set up before sending the form.
What is Google Address Autocomplete? Can I use it?
Google autocomplete is an advanced setting on a form's Address field. When activated, it gives the responder address suggestions as they type.
See how to set up the Address field.
Can I enable ReCaptcha to avoid bot submissions?
ReCaptcha V3 is available and automatic for all users.
Form views & submissions
How many times can my form be viewed per month?
Unlimited views per month for your account. This calculates the sum of times your published forms are loaded.
Beginner - 1,000 views/month
Starter - 10,000 views/month
Pro - Unlimited
Business - Unlimited
How many submissions can I receive per month?
Ten thousand submissions per month for your account. This is the sum of submissions received from all of your published forms. To receive more submissions, consider upgrading your plan:
Beginner - 100 submissions/month
Starter - 1,000 submissions/month
Pro - 10,000/month
Business - Unlimited
Can I receive, download, or print form submissions as a PDF?
Yes! MightyForms allows you to automatically include a PDF copy of form submissions via your email notifications, as well as download them individually via your Submissions dashboard.
Can I export my submissions as a CSV file?
Yes! You can easily export all of your submissions via your Submissions dashboard.
Can I receive Uploaded files?
Yes, but there is a limit to how much you can receive per month for your account.
Beginner - 1Gb/month
Starter - 10Gb/month
Pro - 50Gb/month
Business - Unlimited
MightyForms makes it easy to receive documents, images, videos, etc. straight to your Dropbox or Google Drive folders. Learn how to set up and edit the Upload file field.
Can I use Abandoned Form Recovery?
Yes. You can capture incomplete form submissions automatically and even set up custom notifications for abandoned forms. Set up Abandoned Form Recovery.
Please note that the number of abandoned form submissions and notifications sent to abandoned form submissions count towards your monthly quota.
What happens if I exceed my monthly quota?
We will send you email alerts when your quota reaches certain thresholds: halfway, 80%, and 100%.
If you exceed your monthly quota of any limit, your forms are unpublished until the next month.
How many notifications can I send per month?
Twenty-five thousand notifications per month for your account. Set up Notifications.
This is the sum of active notifications sent from all your published forms, whether they are sent via email or SMS. To send more notifications, consider upgrading your plan:
Beginner - 100 Notifications/month
Starter - 2,000 Notifications/month
Pro - 25,000 Notifications/month
Business - Unlimited
Can I customize the success page?
Yes. You can customize the success page with any design or message you want.
Can I set up a redirect link?
Yes. Learn how to redirect responders to a specific link.
Can I track the Referral URLs?
Yes, you can automatically see where a lead came from before submitting your form with Referral URL tracking.
What integrations can I use with MightyForms?
Check your My Apps tab to find the available apps you can integrate into your online forms.
If you can’t find a native integration, be sure to check out our Zapier zaps with over 3,000 apps.
Payment Forms
Can I receive payments through my forms?
Yes. At the moment, you can integrate your forms with Stripe or Paypal.
MightyForms is a verified Stripe partner, we allow all users to create payment forms and only charge a small commission of 1% per each successful transaction. You can create forms to sell products with a fixed price, calculate a price, or even set up monthly subscription payments.
Learn more about Stripe.
Learn more about Paypal.
Can I get phone support?
Phone support is reserved for our Business and Custom Plan users.
Live Chat support is available for ALL users.
Limited time: Schedule a Live Demo with us
Need help setting up your forms and automating your form building and automation process? Consider signing up for a Custom Plan, or hiring a MightyForms Expert, or contact us via Live Chat, anytime.
Is there more?
Absolutely! While this article is a brief summary of FAQs and individual features, the real value of using MightyForms as your intake platform is using these features together.
And let's not forget, MightyForms is constantly updating and upgrading its features. Keep your eyes and ears open for more powerful functionalities coming soon!
Vote, see updates, and share your requests for MightyForms in our Roadmap