Dropbox Integration

Make sure you have all of your data stored safely on Dropbox with this native integration. You can automatically store your form submissions in your Dropbox account by using MightyForms’s native Dropbox integration.

1. Select a Form

Once you are logged into the MightyForms app, you can:

2. Go to Integrations

Click on the form to select the ‘Integrations’ option from the menu on the left side of your screen.

3. Connect Dropbox

Select Dropbox from the dropdown list by clicking the 'Add' button.

A pop-up will appear for you to sign in to your Dropbox account. 

For the integration to work, be sure to click 'To allow' so that MightyForms can access your Dropbox.

Congratulations! Form is integrated with DropBox. Now set it up to receive Uploaded files straight to a specified folder on your computer.

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