Calculate prices and quote customers in real-time
The Stripe Calculator field is especially useful when you need to charge a resulting sum based on customer's answers combinations.
Before you get started, note that for this integration you need to have an active Stripe account with listed products. And note both MightyForms and Stripe take a small percentage fee for each successful card charge as a pay-as-you-go feature.
Step 1. Select your form
Login to your MightyForms dashboard, then:
Select an existing form from your dashboard
Create a new form from scratch
Select one of the Templates.
Or Transfer an existing form
Get to know more about order forms and how to build them.
Step 2. Add the Stripe Calculator field
On the form’s builder dashboard, you can go to the Stripe fields from the menu on the left side of the screen.
You can scroll down the list, or search for the "Stripe Calculator" field. Select it, then drag & drop it anywhere in your form.
Step 2.1.Connect the Stripe account
Still, on the Builder, select the Stripe Calculator field. This field's unique settings will pop-up on the right side of the Builder.
Click on the "Connect Stripe" button to integrate your MightyForms form with your Stripe account.
You'll be redirected to the authorization tab.
You can either create a Stripe account by filling in your business details or sign in to an existing account to confirm the integration with MightyForms.
After authorizing, you should select which Account you want to connect to your form and then click the "Connect my Stripe Account" button.
Once you confirm the connection with the Stripe account you'll be automatically redirected back to the MightyForms Builder.
Step 2.2 Setup general Stripe settings
Select the currency
Add E-mail field to your form and pick it in Stripe Calculator settings
Edit Label and Total Price texts if needed
##Now you have two options:
Add product prices to Choice-type fields (Step 3)
Or, set up Complex Formula with Logic Rules (Step 4).
Step 3. Calculate the price sum from Choice-type fields
Each option of such field-types as Dropdown, Multiple Choice, Icons Choice, Single Choice, Images Choice could have a specific numeric value.
You should predefine it in the field's settings toolbar, "Choice Weights" section:
During the Form filling Stripe Calculator field will automatically sum Choice Weights of picked options from all fields.
Step 4. Set up Complex Formula with Logic Rules
If the simple sum is not enough in your case you can use more complex calculations using Form Logic Rules >> Calculator
In this case, you should pick the Stripe Calculator field as a target, and the result of the composed formula will rewrite the default sum.
Choice-types fields such as Dropdown, Multiple Choice, Icons Choice, Single Choice, Images Choice will be also calculated based on Choice Weights values.
If you're going to use simple fields ie - Number, Price, Input - our future formula will use inputs from these fields directly.
Finally: Share your Form
So, you're ready to go with the live form! Share the link, embed a field in an email, or embed your form directly on your website.
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