Google Sheets Integration
Google Sheets is an especially flexible integration that works for businesses of any size. MightyForms makes it easy to:
A. Get your forms’ submission data automatically sent to a Google Sheets document. After setup, application will create a "MightyForms" folder in your GDrive and a separate Spreadsheet with ID of your form in it's title.B. Connect a choice field with a dynamic list from an existing Google Sheets document.
You can interact and organize data submitted in real-time on the spreadsheet using this integration.
Pro tip: Manage all integrations through your My Apps tab.
1. Select a Form
To get started, log into the MightyForms app:
- Select an existing form from your dashboard
- Create a new form from scratch
- Select one of the Templates.
- Or Transfer an existing form
A. To send form data to Google Sheets follow the next steps:

4. Sign in to Google
A pop-up will open for you to log in to your Google account.

5. Allow integration
Give MightyForms permission to access your Google Drive by clicking 'Allow'.

Congratulations! Your form is integrated with your Google Sheets account.
Your Spreadsheet will be automatically named after your form's name and form ID, it'll be created after the first form submission. Find it by logging in at:
Here's an example of how it will look like:

You can always Revoke the integration by clicking on the 'Remove' button. Or simply disable the integration from the 'My Apps' tab.

B. To connect a choice field with a dynamic list from Google Sheets
2. Add a Choice field
The fields compatible with a Google Sheet dynamic list are: Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Single Choice.
3. Connect to Google Sheets
Scroll down the field's settings and make sure that 'Dynamic list' is switched on. Then click on 'Connect google sheets'.
If your form is already connected to Google Sheets, then skip to step 7.

4. Add Integration to the form
Select Google Sheets from the dropdown list by clicking the 'Add' button.

5. Sign in to Google
A pop-up will open for you to log in to your Google account.

6. Allow integration
Give MightyForms permission to access your Google Drive by clicking 'Allow'.

7. Select an existing Sheet
Select the Google Sheet you want to use from the dropdown and determine a range (if any) to that you want to apply. If you don't want the heading to appear, select "Exclude Heading"

Give it a few moments to load, and soon the options will appear in your field options.
Notice that you can still add Choice weights to make calculations, and even enable the user to Search the options for a faster selection.