Field-keys to pre-populate fields in your forms
Keeping your forms' completion rate high becomes more of a challenge the longer the form is. So why not simplify the process by creating forms that can be pre-filled with the appropriate data?
The Field-Keys feature helps you keep your forms faster to fill out. It is an auto-fill resource that can prevent form abandonment.There are two ways you can create pre-populating forms.
A. Form to Form: If you need to redirect a customer from one MightyForms to another MightyForms, and want to save their time from retyping typical data;
B. From 3rd party service/app to MightyForms: If you're sending newsletters with 3rd party services and want to redirect customers to MightyForms with partially filled data.
A. Form to Form:
To transfer data between submission of the first form to pre-fill fields of the second form you'll need to prepare:
a) a donor form - where data will be taken from;
b) a destination form - where copied data will be transferred to;
c) compose a redirect URL from Donor Form to Destination Form.
1. Select or create a 'destination form' where the pre-filled data will be added to
Login to your MightyForms dashboard, then:
- Select an existing form from your dashboard
- Create a new form from scratch
- or Select one of the Templates.
2. Select or create a 'donor form' from where data will be taken from
3. Use default field-keys of the destination form and customize them to look cute
Each field where your customer can input their information has a Field-key code that you can find in the field's toolbar in the builder.

4. Go to Settings in the donor form and compose a redirect URL
Select the donor form. Click on the “Settings” section on the left side of your dashboard

Right under the Success Page Settings, you'll see the Redirect Settings. This is where you can add the link to the destination form so that customers are redirected there right after they submit the donor form.

You'll need to add a few details to the form's URL so that it includes the pre-filling data. This is what it'll look like, URL example:[Email]&firstName=[FirstName]
Let's break that down and understand all elements we have in the example:
[1] Direct Link/URL of the destination form.

Here's how you can find your form's Direct Link.
[2] "?" - it indicates the end of the URL resource path and the start of the query parameters
[3] "customer-email" - field-key of the field you want to pre-fill. This is just an example, the type of data can vary.

[4]**"="** specify a source (system shortcode) or static data.
[5] [Email] short-code of the specific field which data you want to reuse in the donor form.
[6] Use "&" - to add other fields, then repeat the steps [3]+[4]+[5]

B. From a 3rd party Service to a Form
You can also pre-fill data using 3rd party Services data, for example - mailing service.
Let's say you're creating a newsletter, and want to invite your clients to fill a feedback form, and you want them to see their First/Last names + Emails fields already prefilled. Easy! The process is even simpler.
You just need to set up a destination MightyForms, take field-keys and compose the URL using shortcodes for the Name/Email field in the format your mailing service provides them.
As always, if you have a question or any difficulties, you can contact us directly.