Clio Grow CRM integration
Automate processes and integrate your form into your workflow with out native Clio integration. Let's go through this step-by-step!
1. Select FormOnce you are logged into the MightyForms app, you can:
- Select an existing form from your dashboard
- Create a new form from scratch
- Select one of the Templates.
- Or Transfer an existing form
Click on ‘Integrations’.

Select Clio from the dropdown by clicking 'Add'.

A new dropdown form will appear. In this pop-up, you need to fill "Token", "Referring URL" and "Source" to initiate the connection.

Let's have a closer look at each field:
1. Your Clio CRM Inbox Token to collect your contacts from MightyForms submissions. You should navigate to Settings>>Integrations>>Inbox Token in your Clio and copy provided data to this field.

2. Referring URL - intended to be the URL of the webpage where the lead was submitted; you can use some static text, e.g. "Call handled by virtual receptionist" to recognize your contacts later in Clio.
3. Source - intended to be the name of the service submitting the lead; this will be used to identify the source and distinguish it from any other integrations, e.g. "XYZ Virtual Receptionist" or "Leads for Lawyers", etc.
When the connection was set up - it's time to move to mapping.3. Mapping between MightyForms and Clio Lead Inbox
At once you have "Token", "Referring URL" and "Source" saved via pop-up you can update these data anytime via the "Edit" button. To setup fields' mapping between MightyForms and Clio Lead Inbox, please, proceed to Clio Settings.

Clicking on Settings you'll see a pop-up like this:

To each of Clio System fields, we'll provide you with a dropdown where fields from your form will be listed with an appropriate field-type. For example, the "Email" field will propose you select among email-type fields inserted in your own form earlier.
All fields you might want to transfer to Clio, apart from the necessary minimum (First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email) could be checked in the "Additional Fields" section - they will come as a part of the Description to your Lead.
All done? Save and hurry up to test!
4. Checking results.
So, what? You have a form. You have a connected Clio and mapped fields. Let's check!
Click to Preview:

We'll show you a preview for different devices where you can make a test submission.
Did you know: Test submits via Preview, don't affect to your real data stats :)
After your test submission, please, navigate directly to your Clio account and ensure that the new lead was added to your Clio Lead Inbox.

Special thanks to our MightyForms users that requested this integration!
Hopefully, this new integration is right up your alley and you'll make the most of it. If you have a question - please, contact our support.