Set up Google Tag Manager in an online form

Google Tag Manager is an invaluable Marketing tool. Here's how you can connect your Google Tag Manager account with an online form.

1. Sign in to Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a free tool. Simply head over to

Go through the steps to create a new account with all your business data. Or sign in to your existing GTM account.

2. Copy the Google Tag Manager ID

On the upper hand side of your Tag Manager dashboard you can see your GTM ID, it looks something like this: GTM-A12BCDE

You can also find it within the installation code, where it'll be after ?id=.

3. Sign in to MightyForms and select a form

Once you are logged into the MightyForms app, you can:

4. Go to Settings

Click on Settings. This is where you can add your Google Tag Manager ID.

6. Paste your GTM-ID and click 'Save'

Scroll down to Advanced Settings and paste your GTM ID.

That's it! Now your form is connected to Google Tag Manager.

7. Preview Tag

You can even preview the tag, by clicking Preview on your GTM Workspace.

Then when you load the URL of your published form

8. Set up a tag

There is A LOT you can do with Google Tag Manager and your online forms. Your best bet to learn all the possibilities is heading over to Google's Tag Manager Help.

We'll just show a quick tag, just so you can see it in action.

On your Google Tag Manager Workspace, select Tags from the side menu, then click on New.

9. Set Up Tag type and Tag Configuration

There are several Tag types to choose from. Each one requires a different setup.

10. Set up a Trigger

Add your Form's URL to a new Trigger so that the Tag Manager can recognize it.

11. Check your work then hit Save

12. Submit Workspace to Publish

Now simply click submit on your Tag Manager Workspace to Publish your Triggers and Tags. You'll have a chance to double-check your changes before it goes live.

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