How to set up Redirect after a submission

Redirect your responders to specific landing pages, composed search queries, and other forms with pre-filled data after submissions.

Set up a redirect after form submission to the landing page of your choice in just a few simple steps. 

The first thing you need to do is log in to your MightyForms app.

1. Select form

Once you are logged in, you can:

2. Go to Settings

With the selected form open, look at the left sidebar of the form's dashboard and click on 'Settings'.

3. Setup after-submit behavior

Here you can choose to add a success message and/or set up a redirect. Here, we're investigating redirect options.

3.1. Landing pages or informative webpages.

Simply paste the URL of the redirect you'd like to add under Redirect Settings:

3.2. Search-query

In the redirect section, you can compose a variety of search-queries using data from the form fields after submission. For example:[Form field 1]+intitle%3A[Form field 2]+[Form field 3]

or[Country]+[Job Title]+[Locations or Keywords to Include] -[Keywords to Exclude]-intitle:"profiles" -inurl:"dir/+"[Education]+licence+"Current+%2A+[Current Employer]+%2A+"

3.3. Redirect to another form with pre-filled data

You need to prepare a destination form - setup pre-filled keys to the fields you need to receive data.

When ready, go to the source form and compose a redirect URL:

https://link_to_your_MightyForm/?destination_Field-key1=[Source field to catch data from]&destination_Field-key2=[Source field to catch data from]

Click 'Publish' or 'Update'
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